Sunday, September 8, 2013

Summer in the States!

We waited all spring for some hot weather. We were craving some 90 degree, sweat while you sit outside, only cold beers poolside make it feel okay, type of days.  As we had been looking forward to for months, we headed home late June to visit friends, family and dig our toes in the sand at the beach.
Funny part was that upon arrival to Columbus, we found they were having a pretty mild summer and most Ohio-ans were complaining of the rain and mild weather. It was in the 80's. We hadn't seen above 70 in London.

After months of missing our favorite little people, we finally got to love on, play with, and fight over shared toys with all of our cousins.

We spent a week of our trip in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with family and friends. The Mavko family has been doing this trip with family friends for over 20 years and this year was just the fun we remembered from the past!

Digging out some beach couches!

Fourth of July Trailer Park Parade (No, we don't stay in trailers or camp at the park, our building is next door... but seeing this parade yearly is just another tradition)

Poker Face We-Pa!

Fourth of July Spirit!

Tired Stella napping surfside on Mommy

The best part of being home was spending time with our friends. Many have had new babies we missed at birth, babies that grew up too fast while we were gone, and mom's girlfriends had no lack of good gossip stories from home.

Avery and Addison Chan - we miss our old neighbors!

Lo and Morgan at Brazenhead... all.night.long.

Down on the farm at Arica's beautiful new antique barn!

Two of Avery's favorite things - her buddy Ava Thompson and Timbits

Meeting our new girlfriend Ellis Thompson! 

Since we don't live on a quiet suburban street while in London, it was great for the girls to do some suburban-summer activities at the Grandparents.

Playing in the backyard hose with Brody!

Backyard Pool Diving at Sherrys!

Neighborhood Splash Pads

Hanging in We-Pa's backyard with the cousins

 Avery loved to end a summer evening at Nanny's taking our dog Brody on a walk around the court

Avery learning to ride her first training wheel bike!

As much as we loved our trip home for summer break, after four weeks at home we were ready to come back to our quiet life in London - Columbus, and all of our family and friends are too wild and busy for us!

Booking our next trip home for the holidays,
~L, L A&S