Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Oh yeah... I have a blog I'm supposed to be updating (Feb -April 2014 update)

Well, its officially been over three months since my last blog post. But come on people, remember my first blog post? I told you I wasn't promising a thing in regards to if I actually kept up or not on this little writing adventure ( seriously, I doubted it way back then, (remind yourself here if you don't believe me). Three LONG months, in which the rainy, colder weather of winter allows so little to happen, yet at the same time, this uneventful time of year ended up being quite exciting for the Flood family.

February 2014
Lane works obscene, unfair, can't be legally or morally just hours late - making our relationship with him throughout the week consisting of us seeing him on Facetime nightly from the office, and him seeing.... well, "toddler Facetime"of things like Stella's feet.

Stella starts preschool! 

Due to having both girls in school four hours every weekday, Mom was looking forward to having lunch with friends, keeping the house clean, finally learning to use her camera, keeping up on her blog...... except one small complication of extreme exhaustion and constant head-in-the "loo" bathroom visits caused by this news
(Flood Baby #3 due October 15!)

March 2014
More late nights for Lane/ single mom days for Lo... in the winter, when its hard to go outside leaving us stuck in our flat, and things like the flu come around and attack my sweet babies

St. Paddy's day celebration - spring started nice and early here in London so we got to do typically wet and rainy events under sunny skies with our coats off!

Visit from Ken and Karen Hale- so nice to get hugs from home after a long winter!

April 2014
Easter term break- London schools get two+ weeks off of school for term break ( spring break), leaving the girls and I over two weeks to hang about London, in (luckily) beautiful 60 degree weather with friends.

A Visit to Cambridge University

 A view from high above the city of London on the Emirates air tram
 Discovering the London Zoo - and becoming zoo members cause we love it so much and it is so close to us!
Hanging with Girlfriends ( Elizabeth and Abi Wolf, Mary Rogers and Stella's new BFF from school Lily!)


Flood family trip to Lagos, Portgual... more to come the next time I write! 

So as you can see, we found ways to enjoy the long winter months. We were lucky with weather, Lane's busy work period ended pretty much as scheduled, and the exciting news of our expanding family kept us looking forward...especially Lo who after the twelve week mark in early April started feeling much better and actually enjoying being pregnant again.  We are now starting the countdown until we leave London to head back to the states in two months..... so should have last minute trips and London-based adventures to share with you all ( should people, should. Doesn't mean my next post is  going to happen anytime soon!). 

~Lucky in London, 
L, L, A, S & Baby?