Monday, January 21, 2013

Snow Days

Ahhh Snow.... It doesn't happen often in London and rarely sticks around for long, but it arrived Friday and lasted through Sunday evening. The city goes into shock when the slightest bit of accumulation occurs, but we knew exactly how to handle the fluffy white stuff collecting all around.

Backyard fun

Our family's first official snow friend ( Mud and all!)

Stella doesn't quite grasp the concept of big boots and gloves yet, so she stood in this position for no less than 10 minutes before venturing deeper into the white fluff. Could have been the plastic bags I had rubber banded over her boots to keep dry.

We headed to our back shared garden, dusted off the toys, swings and slides 

And since we are Ohio-born, we also know how to handle the post snowball fight cold - home made hot chocolate.

Avery had so much fun she wanted to go out again at night, so we again suffered through the painful hour to pile on the clothes and went to build another, street side, snowman (yes, those are grocery bags...we live in the city now and I wasn't about to have our real winter accessories stolen ... hey, I left the 6 pence worth of coins we used for eyes and nose for the bums!).

Avery told her teacher on Friday that she had never seen snow like this before. Last year the weather at home was so mild we never got a big snowfall to play in, and the year before she was too young to remember. So both girls' first experience was here in London. They are going to be shocked when we get home for a real, proper snowfall. 

Fun for a few days.. but praying for our mild London weather again,
L, L, A & S

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