Monday, August 5, 2013

Spring Catch Up

It's August, which seems like a great time to do some blog updates... about the spring. We've had a fantastic few months, which means lots of activities outside, trips in and out of the UK,  and little sitting by the computer.

We've learned that spring in the UK means different things than at home. At home come May, the coats are put away, gloves and hats hidden in some remote closet, and flip flops and shorts are predominantly displayed.  Here in the UK,  there were days in which we wore coats ( not jackets, I'm talking lined coats) well into June.  Nonetheless we got out and enjoyed the 60-ish degree, sunny-ish weather when we had the chance.

Here is a glimpse of Spring 2013 as seen in the UK by the Flood family:

Lane & Avery on the National Rail on our bank holiday weekend getaway to Cardiff, Wales

Sunshine, Patio Beers, and Legos in Cardiff 

Rain doesn't stop us girls from having fun - we just head inside to the nearest indoor playground

The Brown girls and Flood girls go to Southend on Sea to see the seaside and ride some carnival rides

Lounging in our back garden- we are so thankful for this outdoor space in a crowded, busy city

Family day trip to Brighton Beach with the Brown Family

Lane and Jessica on the Brighton roller coaster - the adventure seekers of the group!

Playgrounds, Feeding the pigeons in Regents Park, and Ice Cream - Oh My!

The best part of spring was the beautiful surroundings on those few sunny days. It may have been a record breaking year in regards to bad weather here in London, but the ability to get out to the local parks and gardens more than made up for it 

And just wait for our next post, Summer was even better....
~L, L, A&S

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics. Can't wait for the summer post!
    Love you Flood family.
